NewtDrive ND500-34V "Sadulli Alakdan"


Regular price €339.00

NewtDrive ND500-34V "Sadulli Alakdan" is an integrated drive for unmanned aerial applications that contains a motor and its control electronics in a compact enclosure. There are two design variants of the NewtDrive ND500-34V. All of them share the same ESC design.

NewtDrive ND500-34V is an open hardware reference design for BoolDrive BD1D50. The hardware sources can be found on GitHub:

Feature ND500-34V "Sadulli Alakdan" AD0304 "Sadulli Nudo"
Continuous power 500 W -
Supply voltage 4...8 S, 11...34 V 4...8 S, 11...34 V
Communication interfaces UAVCAN & RCPWM UAVCAN & RCPWM
Two integrated temperature sensors for the motor and the control electronics Y Y
Weight 193 g 62 g

Variant Motor Propeller diameter [inch] Propeller pitch [inch] Mass [g]
ND500-34V "Sadulli Alakdan"
Scorpion MII-4010 17 6.2 193
AD0304 "Sadulli Nudo" N/A N/A N/A 62


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